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Treaty with Borneo, 23rd June, 1850 by the President of the United States of America

Treaty with Borneo, 23rd June, 1850 by the President of the United States of America

Triad and Tabut : a survey of the origin and diffusion of Chinese and Mohamedan secret societies in the Malay peninsula

Triad and Tabut : a survey of the origin and diffusion of Chinese and Mohamedan secret societies in the Malay peninsula


Tumasik (sea town) and the Spicy Islands

Tumasik (sea town) and the Spicy Islands

Twentieth century impressions of British Malaya : its history, people, commerce, industries, and resources

Twentieth century impressions of British Malaya : its history, people, commerce, industries, and resources

Twentieth century impressions of Netherlands India : its history, people, commerce, industries, and resources 

Twentieth century impressions of Netherlands India : its history, people, commerce, industries, and resources 

University of Malaya Foundation pictorial souvenir

University of Malaya Foundation pictorial souvenir

Victoria theatre, Singapore : farewell performance of Anna Pavlowa and Full ballet, 20th December 1922

Victoria theatre, Singapore : farewell performance of Anna Pavlowa and Full ballet, 20th December 1922

Voyages and travels into Brasil and the East-Indies : Containing, an exact description of the Dutch Brasil, and divers parts of the East-Indies ... with a most particular account of all the remarkable passages that happened during the author's stay of nine years in Brasil ... As also a most ample description of the most famous city of Batavia in the East-Indies. Tr. from the Dutch original, volume II

Voyages and travels into Brasil and the East-Indies : Containing, an exact description of the Dutch Brasil, and divers parts of the East-Indies ... with a most particular account of all the remarkable passages that happened during the author's stay of nine years in Brasil ... As also a most ample description of the most famous city of Batavia in the East-Indies. Tr. from the Dutch original, volume II

Who's who in Malaya, 1918

Who's who in Malaya, 1918


Dossett, J. W.


Workshop on "Rehabilitation - A National Responsibility": proceedings of the Malaysian Council for Rehabilitation Pan-Malaysian Workship, held at the Century Abad Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 30th - October 2, 1976

Workshop on "Rehabilitation - A National Responsibility": proceedings of the Malaysian Council for Rehabilitation Pan-Malaysian Workship, held at the Century Abad Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 30th - October 2, 1976

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