


'Worthy of some better enemy?': the British estimate of the Imperial Japanese Army, 1919-41, and the fall of Singapore

'Worthy of some better enemy?': the British estimate of the Imperial Japanese Army, 1919-41, and the fall of Singapore


A history of the Singapore Volunteer Corps 1854-1937, being also an historical outline of volunteering in Malaya

A history of the Singapore Volunteer Corps 1854-1937, being also an historical outline of volunteering in Malaya

Alliance in decline: a study in Anglo-Japanese relations, 1908-23

Alliance in decline: a study in Anglo-Japanese relations, 1908-23

An Admiralty "myth": the search for an advanced Far Eastern Fleet base before the Second World War

An Admiralty "myth": the search for an advanced Far Eastern Fleet base before the Second World War

Anglo-Japanese alienation, 1919-1952: papers of the Anglo-Japanese Conference on the History of the Second World War

Anglo-Japanese alienation, 1919-1952: papers of the Anglo-Japanese Conference on the History of the Second World War

Asia betrayed: how Churchill sacrificed the Far East to save England

Asia betrayed: how Churchill sacrificed the Far East to save England

Australia and Britain's Far Eastern defence policy, 1937-42

Australia and Britain's Far Eastern defence policy, 1937-42

Britain and East Asia, 1933-1937

Britain and East Asia, 1933-1937

Britain and the Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1939: a study in the dilemmas of British decline

Britain and the Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1939: a study in the dilemmas of British decline

Britain in the Far East: a survey from 1819 to the present

Britain in the Far East: a survey from 1819 to the present

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