


Contesting Chineseness : bangsa and qeue-cutting in the Straits Settlements, 1896-1911

Contesting Chineseness : bangsa and qeue-cutting in the Straits Settlements, 1896-1911

Contesting space: power relations and the urban built environment in colonial Singapore

Contesting space: power relations and the urban built environment in colonial Singapore

Coolies and mandarins: China's protection of overseas Chinese during the late Ch'ing period (1851-1911)

Coolies and mandarins: China's protection of overseas Chinese during the late Ch'ing period (1851-1911)

Cultivators and administrators: British educational policy towards the Malays, 1875-1906

Cultivators and administrators: British educational policy towards the Malays, 1875-1906


Defining the aesthetics of the Nyonyas' batik sarongs in the Straits Settlements, late nineteenth to early twentieth century

Defining the aesthetics of the Nyonyas' batik sarongs in the Straits Settlements, late nineteenth to early twentieth century

Dressing up subjecthood: Straits Chinese, the queue, and contested citizenship in colonial Singapore

Dressing up subjecthood: Straits Chinese, the queue, and contested citizenship in colonial Singapore

Drugs, taxes, and Chinese capitalism in Southeast Asia

Drugs, taxes, and Chinese capitalism in Southeast Asia


Early Malay newspapers and journalism

Early Malay newspapers and journalism

Early tourism in Malaya

Early tourism in Malaya


Stockwell, A. J.

Economic development of Singapore 1870-1880

Economic development of Singapore 1870-1880

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