


Christian ministry and the Asian nation : the Metropolitan YMCA in Singapore 1946 - 2006

Christian ministry and the Asian nation : the Metropolitan YMCA in Singapore 1946 - 2006

Christians in Malaya

Christians in Malaya


Thompson, Virginia
Adloff, Richard

Citizenship in Malaya, 1945-1957

Citizenship in Malaya, 1945-1957

Civil society and the Malay Education Council

Civil society and the Malay Education Council

Colonial law and Chinese society

Colonial law and Chinese society


Freedman, Maurice

Colonial planning during World War II: the case of Malaya

Colonial planning during World War II: the case of Malaya

Colonial postscript: diary of a district officer, 1935-56

Colonial postscript: diary of a district officer, 1935-56

Colonialism, violence and Muslims in Southeast Asia: the Maria Hertogh controversy and its aftermath

Colonialism, violence and Muslims in Southeast Asia: the Maria Hertogh controversy and its aftermath

Commitment to change: a history of Malayan educational policy, 1945-1957

Commitment to change: a history of Malayan educational policy, 1945-1957

Communalism and the political process in Malaya

Communalism and the political process in Malaya

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