Our Digital Gems is getting an upgrade! Stay tuned to the NUS Libraries website for this and other announcements as we implement improvements to enhance your experience. Please note that saved bookmarks and links made to specific materials within Digital Gems will be affected, so remember to update them once the new system is live.





"Hypertrichosis Pinnae Auris" in Malaysian peoples

"Hypertrichosis Pinnae Auris" in Malaysian peoples


"No Loss Without Profit" A Study In Maternal Mortality

"No Loss Without Profit" A Study In Maternal Mortality


"Report On The Outbreak Of Cholera In Malacca, 1963 By The Committee Of Enquiry Appointed By The Cabinet". A Critical Review

"Report On The Outbreak Of Cholera In Malacca, 1963 By The Committee Of Enquiry Appointed By The Cabinet". A Critical Review

"The Lighter Side" Outpatients and all that

"The Lighter Side" Outpatients and all that


3-Year Defaulters From A Tuberculosis Out-Patient Clinic

3-Year Defaulters From A Tuberculosis Out-Patient Clinic

A Brief Note on a Hitherto Undescribed Form of Dermatitis, Probably Trophic in Origin

A Brief Note on a Hitherto Undescribed Form of Dermatitis, Probably Trophic in Origin

A Brief Review of Fifty years of Medical History in Selangor, Federation of Malaya

A Brief Review of Fifty years of Medical History in Selangor, Federation of Malaya

A case od spinal meningioma

A case od spinal meningioma


Monteiro, E. S.

A Case of Abscess of the Liver due to Ascaris Lumbricoides

A Case of Abscess of the Liver due to Ascaris Lumbricoides


A case of acute haemorrhagic pancreatitis following consumption of durians and alcohol

A case of acute haemorrhagic pancreatitis following consumption of durians and alcohol

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