


Kitab undang-undang Perhimponan Methodist, 1912

Kitab undang-undang Perhimponan Methodist, 1912

Lip guan poh kuan : kitab ber ka-siat dari niat tan ati

Lip guan poh kuan : kitab ber ka-siat dari niat tan ati

Memento of Wangkang ceremonial and procession 1933

Memento of Wangkang ceremonial and procession 1933

Nyanyian Gereja

Nyanyian Gereja

Oriental silverwork : Malay and Chinese, with over 250 illustrations : a handbook for connoisseurs, collectors, students and silversmiths

Oriental silverwork : Malay and Chinese, with over 250 illustrations : a handbook for connoisseurs, collectors, students and silversmiths

Pantun champor-bawor

Pantun champor-bawor

Penghiboran hati

Penghiboran hati


H. S. L.

Sam Po

Sam Po


Kam, Seng Kioe


Sha'ir puji-pujian

Sha'ir puji-pujian

The Straits Chinese annual, 1930

The Straits Chinese annual, 1930

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