


From mission to church: the evolution of the Methodist Church in Singapore and Malaysia, 1885-1976

From mission to church: the evolution of the Methodist Church in Singapore and Malaysia, 1885-1976

Going forth: the Catholic Church in Singapore 1819-2004

Going forth: the Catholic Church in Singapore 1819-2004


Wijeysingha, Eugene
Nicolas, Rene

In His good time: the story of the church in Singapore

In His good time: the story of the church in Singapore

Islam, state and society in Singapore

Islam, state and society in Singapore

Kapal Haji: Singapore and the hajj journey by sea

Kapal Haji: Singapore and the hajj journey by sea


Green, Anthony
Mohd Raman Daud

Many faces, one faith

Many faces, one faith


National Council of Churches of Singapore.

Religion-state encounters in Hindu domains: from the Straits settlements to Singapore

Religion-state encounters in Hindu domains: from the Straits settlements to Singapore

Sultans, shamans, and saints: Islam and Muslims in Southeast Asia

Sultans, shamans, and saints: Islam and Muslims in Southeast Asia

Technological modernization, the Internet, and religion in Singapore

Technological modernization, the Internet, and religion in Singapore

The Bethesda legacy: 140 years of the Brethren history in Singapore

The Bethesda legacy: 140 years of the Brethren history in Singapore

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