


Bloody shambles. Vol. 1. The drift to war to the fall of Singapore

Bloody shambles. Vol. 1. The drift to war to the fall of Singapore


Shores, Christopher
Cull, Brian
Izawa, Yasuho

British leadership in air operations: Malaya and Burma

British leadership in air operations: Malaya and Burma

Campaigns in South-east Asia, 1941-42

Campaigns in South-east Asia, 1941-42


Bhargava, K. D.
Sastri, N. V.

Crisis of command: Major-General Gordon Bennett and British military effectiveness in the Malaya campaign, 1941-42

Crisis of command: Major-General Gordon Bennett and British military effectiveness in the Malaya campaign, 1941-42

Cruel Britannia: Britannia waives the rules

Cruel Britannia: Britannia waives the rules


Connolly, Ray
Wilson, Bob

Deadly secrets: the Singapore raids 1942-45

Deadly secrets: the Singapore raids 1942-45

Defeat in Malaya: the fall of Singapore

Defeat in Malaya: the fall of Singapore

East Asia in turmoil: letters to my son

East Asia in turmoil: letters to my son

Force 136: story of a WWII resistance fighter

Force 136: story of a WWII resistance fighter

Force 136: the Malayan episode

Force 136: the Malayan episode

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