


The missing years: a POW's story from Changi to Hellfire Pass, 1942-45

The missing years: a POW's story from Changi to Hellfire Pass, 1942-45

The naked island

The naked island


Braddon, Russell

The sixth column

The sixth column


Durrani, Mahmood Khan

The story of Changi, Singapore

The story of Changi, Singapore

Three wasted years: women in Changi prison

Three wasted years: women in Changi prison

When Singapore was Syonan-to

When Singapore was Syonan-to

White coolie

White coolie


Hastain, Ronald

White coolies

White coolies


Jeffrey, Betty

Women beyond the wire: a story of prisoners of the Japanese, 1942-1945

Women beyond the wire: a story of prisoners of the Japanese, 1942-1945

You'll never get off the island: prisoner of war, Changi, Singapore, February 1945 - August 1945

You'll never get off the island: prisoner of war, Changi, Singapore, February 1945 - August 1945

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