


‘Created’ enclaves for enterprise : an empirical study of Singapore's industrial parks in Indonesia, Vietnam and China

‘Created’ enclaves for enterprise : an empirical study of Singapore's industrial parks in Indonesia, Vietnam and China

"Managed" privatisation of Singapore Telecom: a case study

"Managed" privatisation of Singapore Telecom: a case study

"Why not a volunteer army?": reexamining the impact of military conscription on economic growth for Singapore

"Why not a volunteer army?": reexamining the impact of military conscription on economic growth for Singapore


A comparative analysis of research and development spending and total factor productivity growth in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Singapore

A comparative analysis of research and development spending and total factor productivity growth in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Singapore


A dynamic analysis of the impact of FDI, on economic growth and carbon emission, evidence from China, India and Singapore

A dynamic analysis of the impact of FDI, on economic growth and carbon emission, evidence from China, India and Singapore

A geography of trade and development in Malaya

A geography of trade and development in Malaya

A market system with Singapore characteristics

A market system with Singapore characteristics

A silicon island of the east: creating a semiconductor industry in Singapore

A silicon island of the east: creating a semiconductor industry in Singapore

A study of poverty in Singapore

A study of poverty in Singapore


Cheah, Hock Beng

A tale of three cities: the competitiveness of Hong Kong, Shanghai and Singapore in the era of globalization

A tale of three cities: the competitiveness of Hong Kong, Shanghai and Singapore in the era of globalization

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