


Development of pioneer industries in the 1960s

Development of pioneer industries in the 1960s

Development of Singapore's domestic exports in the seventies

Development of Singapore's domestic exports in the seventies

Development strategies in semi-industrial economies

Development strategies in semi-industrial economies


Balassa, Bela
Berlinski, Julio
Kuo-shu, Liang
Ow, Chin Hock
Schydlowsky, Daniel M.
Hutcheson, Thomas L.
Sussman, Zvi
Kim, Kwang Suk
Tan, Augustine H. H.
Lee, T. H.
Westphal, Larry E.

Development versus idealism: can Singapore reconcile the conflict?

Development versus idealism: can Singapore reconcile the conflict?

Developmental state, government, and Singapore: economic development since 1960

Developmental state, government, and Singapore: economic development since 1960

Discourses of development: state, market, and polity in the analysis of complex change

Discourses of development: state, market, and polity in the analysis of complex change


Does financial development reinforce ecological footprint in Singapore? Evidence from ARDL and Bayesian analysis

Does financial development reinforce ecological footprint in Singapore? Evidence from ARDL and Bayesian analysis

Dolls in the sky: images of economic pragmatism in post-independence Singapore

Dolls in the sky: images of economic pragmatism in post-independence Singapore

Dragons in distress: Asia's miracle economies in crisis

Dragons in distress: Asia's miracle economies in crisis


Bello, Walden
Rosenfeld, Stephanie

Dreams to reality: Singapore Indian entrepreneurs

Dreams to reality: Singapore Indian entrepreneurs


Madan, Madhu
Vasudevan, Yamini
Raman, Rita

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