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Letter from the 5th Earl of Cranbrook to David R. Wells commenting on his work on indexing of swiftlet species

Letter from the 5th Earl of Cranbrook to David R. Wells commenting on his work on indexing of swiftlet species

Letter from the 5th Earl of Cranbrook to David R. Wells commenting on his work on mossy-nest swiftlet in Sumatra

Letter from the 5th Earl of Cranbrook to David R. Wells commenting on his work on mossy-nest swiftlet in Sumatra

Letter from the 5th Earl of Cranbrook to David T. Holyoak concerning a copy of his work with David Pye

Letter from the 5th Earl of Cranbrook to David T. Holyoak concerning a copy of his work with David Pye

Letter from the 5th Earl of Cranbrook to David T. Holyoak enquring about Polynesian swiftlets

Letter from the 5th Earl of Cranbrook to David T. Holyoak enquring about Polynesian swiftlets

Letter from the 5th Earl of Cranbrook to Dermot M. Smyth concerning the sound made by C. esculenta

Letter from the 5th Earl of Cranbrook to Dermot M. Smyth concerning the sound made by C. esculenta

Letter from the 5th Earl of Cranbrook to Dermot M. Smyth enclosing transcription of recordings he made the previous month in a large cave in Borneo

Letter from the 5th Earl of Cranbrook to Dermot M. Smyth enclosing transcription of recordings he made the previous month in a large cave in Borneo

Letter from the 5th Earl of Cranbrook to Dr Alvin Novick on echolocation. The Earl also mentioned that possibility of the two species being separated from the rest of the genus

Letter from the 5th Earl of Cranbrook to Dr Alvin Novick on echolocation. The Earl also mentioned that possibility of the two species being separated from the rest of the genus

Letter from the 5th Earl of Cranbrook to Dr Boonsong Lekagul acknowledging receipt of swiftlet skins, which were mostly collected by Ben King

Letter from the 5th Earl of Cranbrook to Dr Boonsong Lekagul acknowledging receipt of swiftlet skins, which were mostly collected by Ben King

Letter from the 5th Earl of Cranbrook to Dr Bruce Campbell concerning EMITAPE 88 or 77 tapes that were used by the Earl for his RE. 321 recorder

Letter from the 5th Earl of Cranbrook to Dr Bruce Campbell concerning EMITAPE 88 or 77 tapes that were used by the Earl for his RE. 321 recorder

Letter from the 5th Earl of Cranbrook to Dr Charles T. Collins on post-pharyngeal carrying of food by Aerodramus spp.

Letter from the 5th Earl of Cranbrook to Dr Charles T. Collins on post-pharyngeal carrying of food by Aerodramus spp.

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