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Addenda to the Palawan report [attached to the letter dated 1982/04/19 from Murray D. Bruce to the 5th Earl of Cranbrook on Philippine swiftlets and addenda to "Birds of Borneo"]

Addenda to the Palawan report [attached to the letter dated 1982/04/19 from Murray D. Bruce to the 5th Earl of Cranbrook on Philippine swiftlets and addenda to "Birds of Borneo"]

Ari Sigit Soeharto akan monopoli sarang walet

Ari Sigit Soeharto akan monopoli sarang walet

Brochure for DP4 microphone [re: Letter dated 1961/08/01 from A. Smith to the 5th Earl of Cranbrook concerning parabolic reflectors and microphones]

Brochure for DP4 microphone [re: Letter dated 1961/08/01 from A. Smith to the 5th Earl of Cranbrook concerning parabolic reflectors and microphones]

Brochure for parabolic reflector [re: Letter dated 1961/08/01 from A. Smith to the 5th Earl of Cranbrook concerning parabolic reflectors and microphones]

Brochure for parabolic reflector [re: Letter dated 1961/08/01 from A. Smith to the 5th Earl of Cranbrook concerning parabolic reflectors and microphones]

Brochure for portable transistor magnetic tape recorder [re: letter dated 1967 from Prof D. G. Tucker to the 5th Earl of Cranbrook concerning sonograph analyses of tape recordings]

Brochure for portable transistor magnetic tape recorder [re: letter dated 1967 from Prof D. G. Tucker to the 5th Earl of Cranbrook concerning sonograph analyses of tape recordings]

Cave-frequenting vertebrates in the Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak [attached to letter dated 1984/11/30 from Philip Chapman to the 5th Earl of Cranbrook enclosing his revised draft of his Mulu report on cave-frequenting vertebrates in the Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak]

Cave-frequenting vertebrates in the Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak [attached to letter dated 1984/11/30 from Philip Chapman to the 5th Earl of Cranbrook enclosing his revised draft of his Mulu report on cave-frequenting vertebrates in the Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak]

Contact details of Nguyen Quang Phach

Contact details of Nguyen Quang Phach

Contact information for Museum fur Naturkunde, Berlin

Contact information for Museum fur Naturkunde, Berlin

Contract (Reference no CR0189) between the Earl's organisation and the department covering the programme of research on edible nest swiftlets [attached with letter dated 1996/02/25 from S. Coffin to the 5th Earl of Cranbrook ]

Contract (Reference no CR0189) between the Earl's organisation and the department covering the programme of research on edible nest swiftlets [attached with letter dated 1996/02/25 from S. Coffin to the 5th Earl of Cranbrook ]

Delivery order from Kee Huat Radio Co. to the 5th Earl of Cranbrook for one Grampian parabolic reflector for DP4/L microphone, one DP4/L microphone and one S1 floor stand

Delivery order from Kee Huat Radio Co. to the 5th Earl of Cranbrook for one Grampian parabolic reflector for DP4/L microphone, one DP4/L microphone and one S1 floor stand

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