


The eastern seas

The eastern seas


Earl, George Windsor

The European mercantile community in Singapore, 1819-1867

The European mercantile community in Singapore, 1819-1867


The fourth decade (1849-59)

The fourth decade (1849-59)


Song, Ong Siang

The grand jury in early Singapore 1819-1873

The grand jury in early Singapore 1819-1873

The growth and development of local government in Singapore, 1848-1887

The growth and development of local government in Singapore, 1848-1887

The history of the Singapore Police Force, 1819-1889

The history of the Singapore Police Force, 1819-1889

The house in Coleman Street

The house in Coleman Street


Friends of Singapore


The kongsi and the history of the Singapore Chinese

The kongsi and the history of the Singapore Chinese

The London Missionary Society: a written record of misionaries and printing presses in the Straits Settlements 1815-1847

The London Missionary Society: a written record of misionaries and printing presses in the Straits Settlements 1815-1847

The Malayan Peninsula

The Malayan Peninsula


Begbie, P. J.

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