


The early Chinese newspapers of Singapore, 1881-1912

The early Chinese newspapers of Singapore, 1881-1912

The effect of the opening of the Suez Canal on the trade and development of Singapore

The effect of the opening of the Suez Canal on the trade and development of Singapore


The eighth decade (1889-99)

The eighth decade (1889-99)


Song, Ong Siang


The fifth decade (1859-69)

The fifth decade (1859-69)


Song, Ong Siang

The first Colonial Governor: Sir Harry Ord, 1867-1873

The first Colonial Governor: Sir Harry Ord, 1867-1873

The forgotten sentinels: the sepoys of Malaya, Singapore & South-East Asia (the founding years: 18th to early 20th centuries)

The forgotten sentinels: the sepoys of Malaya, Singapore & South-East Asia (the founding years: 18th to early 20th centuries)

The gold standard in Mauritius and the Straits Settlements between 1850-1914

The gold standard in Mauritius and the Straits Settlements between 1850-1914

The idea of Singapore as a naval base and the abandonment of that idea, 1885-1905

The idea of Singapore as a naval base and the abandonment of that idea, 1885-1905

The Indian merchants of Kobe and Japan's trade expansion into Southeast Asia before the Asian-Pacific War

The Indian merchants of Kobe and Japan's trade expansion into Southeast Asia before the Asian-Pacific War

The intellectual awakening and social reforms of the Chinese in Singapore 1894-1910

The intellectual awakening and social reforms of the Chinese in Singapore 1894-1910

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