Our Digital Gems is getting an upgrade! Stay tuned to the NUS Libraries website for this and other announcements as we implement improvements to enhance your experience. Please note that saved bookmarks and links made to specific materials within Digital Gems will be affected, so remember to update them once the new system is live.




Understanding the tangled taxonomy of the genus Pseudohercostomus Stackelberg, 1931 (Insecta: Diptera: Dolichopodidae) with description of new species from Singapore and DR Congo

Understanding the tangled taxonomy of the genus Pseudohercostomus Stackelberg, 1931 (Insecta: Diptera: Dolichopodidae) with description of new species from Singapore and DR Congo

Une petite Collection d'Oiseaux de la Basse-Cochinchine

Une petite Collection d'Oiseaux de la Basse-Cochinchine

Unidentified wood-feeding fungus in a Melaleuca cajuputi tree

Unidentified wood-feeding fungus in a Melaleuca cajuputi tree

Unio sella and U. sula: A review of enigmatic taxonomic names linked to Gibbosula laosensis (Lea, 1863) (Bivalvia: Margaritiferidae: Gibbosulinae)

Unio sella and U. sula: A review of enigmatic taxonomic names linked to Gibbosula laosensis (Lea, 1863) (Bivalvia: Margaritiferidae: Gibbosulinae)


Bolotov, I. N.
Vikhrev, I. V.
Lopes-Lima, M.
Gofarov, M. Y.
Konopleva, E. S.
Lyubas, A. A.
Lunn, Z.
Chan, N.
Bogan, A. E.

United Kingdom import duty on soya beans

United Kingdom import duty on soya beans

United Planters' Association, F. M. S.

United Planters' Association, F. M. S.

United Planters' Association, F. M. S. - Report for 1905

United Planters' Association, F. M. S. - Report for 1905

United Planters' Association, F. M. S. Report for 1901

United Planters' Association, F. M. S. Report for 1901

United Planters' Association: Report lor 1902

United Planters' Association: Report lor 1902

Unterdruckung einiger Namen fur Fossile tiere in Linnaeus, 1768, und in spateren ausgaben Linnaeus' scher werke

Unterdruckung einiger Namen fur Fossile tiere in Linnaeus, 1768, und in spateren ausgaben Linnaeus' scher werke

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