Our Digital Gems is getting an upgrade! Stay tuned to the NUS Libraries website for this and other announcements as we implement improvements to enhance your experience. Please note that saved bookmarks and links made to specific materials within Digital Gems will be affected, so remember to update them once the new system is live.




Unusual colouration of Rana Limnocharis (Boie) Wiegm.

Unusual colouration of Rana Limnocharis (Boie) Wiegm.

Updated distribution of the endangered freshwater stingray Urogymnus polylepis in Malaysia, with notes on biology and genetics

Updated distribution of the endangered freshwater stingray Urogymnus polylepis in Malaysia, with notes on biology and genetics

Upeneus nigromarginatus, a new species of goatfish (Perciformes: Mullidae) from the Philippines

Upeneus nigromarginatus, a new species of goatfish (Perciformes: Mullidae) from the Philippines

Upupidae — Hoopoes

Upupidae — Hoopoes


Chasen, F. N.

Upupidae — Hoopoes

Upupidae — Hoopoes


Gibson-Hill, C. A.

Uropterygius cyamommatus, a new moray eel (Anguilliformes: Muraenidae) from anchialine caves in Christmas Island, Australia, and Panglao Island, the Philippines

Uropterygius cyamommatus, a new moray eel (Anguilliformes: Muraenidae) from anchialine caves in Christmas Island, Australia, and Panglao Island, the Philippines

Use of intertidal mangrove and sea wall habitats by coral reef fishes in the Wakatobi Marine Park, Indonesia

Use of intertidal mangrove and sea wall habitats by coral reef fishes in the Wakatobi Marine Park, Indonesia

Use of the Commission's Plenary Powers Involved in the Counter-Proposals on Two Points Involved in Dr. Herbert W. Levi's Application Regarding the Generic Name Theridion Walckenaer, 1805 (Class Arachnida) Submitted by Professor Pierre Bonnet

Use of the Commission's Plenary Powers Involved in the Counter-Proposals on Two Points Involved in Dr. Herbert W. Levi's Application Regarding the Generic Name Theridion Walckenaer, 1805 (Class Arachnida) Submitted by Professor Pierre Bonnet

Uses of Oil Palm Products

Uses of Oil Palm Products

Using a spatial mark-resight model to estimate the parameters of a wild pig (Sus scrofa) population in Singapore

Using a spatial mark-resight model to estimate the parameters of a wild pig (Sus scrofa) population in Singapore

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