Our Digital Gems is getting an upgrade! Stay tuned to the NUS Libraries website for this and other announcements as we implement improvements to enhance your experience. Please note that saved bookmarks and links made to specific materials within Digital Gems will be affected, so remember to update them once the new system is live.




Using a spatial mark-resight model to estimate the parameters of a wild pig (Sus scrofa) population in Singapore

Using a spatial mark-resight model to estimate the parameters of a wild pig (Sus scrofa) population in Singapore

Using mist -nets on canopy walkways in Malaysia to study canopy avifauna

Using mist -nets on canopy walkways in Malaysia to study canopy avifauna

Ustulina Zonata a fungus affecting hevea brasiliensis

Ustulina Zonata a fungus affecting hevea brasiliensis

Ustulina Zonata, (Lev.) Sacc. - A Warning Note

Ustulina Zonata, (Lev.) Sacc. - A Warning Note

Utilisation of Gravel Roads and Roadside Forests by the Common Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) in Sabah, Malaysia

Utilisation of Gravel Roads and Roadside Forests by the Common Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) in Sabah, Malaysia

Utility Poultry on the General Farm

Utility Poultry on the General Farm

Vacuum dryer for rubber

Vacuum dryer for rubber


Livingston, James

Validating Botanical Names by Referring to Invalid Literature

Validating Botanical Names by Referring to Invalid Literature

Valuation of Rubbers: From Negri Sembilan

Valuation of Rubbers: From Negri Sembilan

Valuation of Rubbers: From the Botanic Gardens, Singapore

Valuation of Rubbers: From the Botanic Gardens, Singapore

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