


Musings of J.S.M.R., mostly Malayan

Musings of J.S.M.R., mostly Malayan

Nation, race, and language: discussing transnational identities in colonial Singapore, circa 1930

Nation, race, and language: discussing transnational identities in colonial Singapore, circa 1930

Networks, parties, and the "oppressed nations": the Comintern and Chinese Communists overseas, 1926-1935

Networks, parties, and the "oppressed nations": the Comintern and Chinese Communists overseas, 1926-1935

New culture in a new world: the May Fourth Movement and the Chinese diaspora in Singapore, 1919-1932

New culture in a new world: the May Fourth Movement and the Chinese diaspora in Singapore, 1919-1932

Nodes in the global webs of Japanese shipping

Nodes in the global webs of Japanese shipping

Official reports on education: the Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States, 1870-1939

Official reports on education: the Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States, 1870-1939

Our name is Mutiny: the global revolt against the Raj and the hidden history of the Singapore Mutiny 1907-1915

Our name is Mutiny: the global revolt against the Raj and the hidden history of the Singapore Mutiny 1907-1915

Overseas Chinese in Asia between the two world wars

Overseas Chinese in Asia between the two world wars

Overseas Chinese nationalism in British Malaya, 1894-1941

Overseas Chinese nationalism in British Malaya, 1894-1941

Overseas Chinese remittances from Southeast Asia, 1910-1940

Overseas Chinese remittances from Southeast Asia, 1910-1940

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