


Internal security in British Malaya, 1895-1942

Internal security in British Malaya, 1895-1942

Islamic modernism in Malaya: the life and thought of Sayid Syekh Al-Hadi 1867-1934

Islamic modernism in Malaya: the life and thought of Sayid Syekh Al-Hadi 1867-1934

Japan unmasked

Japan unmasked


Abend, Hallett

Japanese competition in the trade of Malaya in the 1930s

Japanese competition in the trade of Malaya in the 1930s

Joseph Ducroux, a French agent of the Comintern in Singapore (1931-1932).

Joseph Ducroux, a French agent of the Comintern in Singapore (1931-1932).

Karayuki-san of Singapore, 1877-1941

Karayuki-san of Singapore, 1877-1941


Warren, James Francis

Kuomintang's mass movement and the Kreta Ayer incident (1927) in Malaya

Kuomintang's mass movement and the Kreta Ayer incident (1927) in Malaya

Labor problems in Southeast Asia

Labor problems in Southeast Asia


Thompson, Virginia

Labour and trade unionism in colonial Malaya: a study of the socio-economic and political bases of the Malayan labour movement, 1930-1957

Labour and trade unionism in colonial Malaya: a study of the socio-economic and political bases of the Malayan labour movement, 1930-1957

Labour and trade unionism in colonial Malaya: a study of the socio-economic and political bases of the Malayan labour movement, 1930-1957

Labour and trade unionism in colonial Malaya: a study of the socio-economic and political bases of the Malayan labour movement, 1930-1957

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