


How Malaya is governed

How Malaya is governed


Middlebrook, S. M.
Pinnick, A. W.

Imperial security and Moslem militancy, with special reference to the Hertogh riots in Singapore

Imperial security and Moslem militancy, with special reference to the Hertogh riots in Singapore

Indian labour, labour standards, and workers' health in Burma and Malaya, 1900–1940

Indian labour, labour standards, and workers' health in Burma and Malaya, 1900–1940


Indigenizing the Cold War in Malaysia and Singapore: interethnic decolonization, developmental syntheses and the quest for sovereignty

Indigenizing the Cold War in Malaysia and Singapore: interethnic decolonization, developmental syntheses and the quest for sovereignty

Industrial conflict in Malaya: prelude to the Communist revolt of 1948

Industrial conflict in Malaya: prelude to the Communist revolt of 1948

Information on the Colony of Singapore for 1949 transmitted by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to the Secretary-General of the United Nations under article 73 (e) of the United Nations Charter and in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of General Assembly Resolution 218 (III) of 3rd November, 1948

Information on the Colony of Singapore for 1949 transmitted by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to the Secretary-General of the United Nations under article 73 (e) of the United Nations Charter and in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of General Assembly Resolution 218 (III) of 3rd November, 1948

Institutionally incorporated, symbolically un-remade: state reform of Chinese schools in postwar Singapore

Institutionally incorporated, symbolically un-remade: state reform of Chinese schools in postwar Singapore

Internal developments in Singapore

Internal developments in Singapore

International capital, Singapore companies, and security

International capital, Singapore companies, and security

Iron Spearhead: the true story of a communist killer squad in Singapore

Iron Spearhead: the true story of a communist killer squad in Singapore

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