


Rice wine & dancing girls

Rice wine & dancing girls


Wong, Seng Chow

Singapore and the Federation of Malaya: report of the parliamentary delegation, September-October 1950

Singapore and the Federation of Malaya: report of the parliamentary delegation, September-October 1950

Singapore and the Indonesian revolution, 1945-50: recollections of Suryono Darusman

Singapore and the Indonesian revolution, 1945-50: recollections of Suryono Darusman


Singapore chess: a history, 1945-1990

Singapore chess: a history, 1945-1990


Jayakumar, Shashi
Urcan, Olimpiu G.

Singapore Chinese society in transition: business, politics, & socio-economic change, 1945-1965

Singapore Chinese society in transition: business, politics, & socio-economic change, 1945-1965

Singapore stories : language, class, and the Chinese of Singapore, 1945-2000

Singapore stories : language, class, and the Chinese of Singapore, 1945-2000

Singapore, 1945-1948, from British Military Administration to the first Legislative Council

Singapore, 1945-1948, from British Military Administration to the first Legislative Council

Singapore: the unexpected nation

Singapore: the unexpected nation

Singapore's struggle for nationhood, 1945-59

Singapore's struggle for nationhood, 1945-59

Social memory and Indian women from Malaya and Singapore in the Rani of Jhansi Regiment

Social memory and Indian women from Malaya and Singapore in the Rani of Jhansi Regiment

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